Geita Pétur - Vesturland
Nafn: Geita Pétur
Kyn: Fress
Litur: Gulbröndóttur
Aldur: Um 3 ára
Persónuleiki: Ljúfur
Hentar með börnum
Hrifinn af öðrum kisum
Geita Pétur er um 3 ára gamall yndislegur fress. Hann elskar fólk og veit fátt betra en klapp og knús, en nammi er samt ofarlega á þeim lista.
Hann er góður með börnum og er mjög hrifin af öðrum kisum svo heimili með öðrum köttum gætu henntað honum vel, en hann unnir ser líka vel sem einkaprins, enda mjög athyglissjúkur.
Name: Geita Pétur
Sex: Male
Color: Orange tabby
Age: About 3 years old
Personality: Very sweet
Suits a home with kids
Loves other cats
Geita Pétur is around 3 years old, absolutely wonderful cat. He loves people and there are few things that he loves more than pets and cuddles, but a good treat might top the list.
He is very good around kids and he loves other cats, so a home with other cats might be his perfect furever home. However, he would do absolutely fine as the only cat in the home, as he loves getting all the attention.