Hnúta - Suðurland
Nafn: Hnúta
Kyn: Læða
Litur: Yrjótt, loðin
Aldur: U.þ.b. 3 ára
Persónuleiki: Mjög ljúf
Elskar fólk.
Hnúta er mjög falleg, langhærð kisa. Hún er talin vera ca þriggja ára. Algjör draumur, kelin, mjúk, skemmtileg og auðvitað gullfalleg. Hún elskar fólk og er vön öðrum kisum en sennilega hentar henni best að vera eina dýrið á heimili.
Hnúta hefur farið í ófrjósemisaðgerð, er örmerkt, bólusett og hefur fengið ormalyf.
Name: Hnúta
Sex: Female
Color: Tortie
Age: Around 3 years old
Personality: Very sweet
Loves people.
Hnúta is a gorgeous girl, with luxorious long tortie coat. She is thought to be around 3 years old. She is a total dream, very cuddly, soft, funny and of course a total beauty queen. She loves people and is used to being around other cats, but perhaps would be best suited to being the only cat in the home.
Hnúta has been spayed, is vaccinated, microchipped and has been dewormed.