
Prestur – Suðurland

Prestur - Suðurland

Nafn: Prestur

Kyn: Fress

Litur: Gulbröndóttur og hvítur

Aldur: um 4 mánaða gamall

Persónuleiki: Félagsvera



Prestur er um 4 mánaða gamall fress sem fannst í skurði í sveit á Suðurlandi, ásamt mömmu sinni og þremur bræðrum. Hann hefði klárlega orðið villiköttur ef hann hefði á annað borð lifað að við þessar aðstæður.

Prestur elskar kisuvininina sína í Loppukoti, kippir sér ekki upp við að fá hunda í heimsókn og leikur sér endalaust. Hann elskar klapp og malar hátt og er afskaplega kelinn.

Prestur er geldur, örmerktur, tvíbólusettur og hefur fengið ormalyf.

Name: Prestur

Sex: Male

Color: Orange and white

Age: around 4 months old

Personality: Social



Prestur is around 4 months old and was found in a ditch in the countryside on the south of Iceland, along with his mother and three brothers. He most likely would have become a feral cat if he hadn’t been captured and brought into a safe environment, if he had even have survived the harsh conditions outside.

Prestur loves his kitty friends in Loppukot and has been fine with dog visits, and he can play almost non-stop. He loves pets and shows it with loud purring and lots of cuddles.

Biskup is neutered, microchipped, dewormed and has received both of his vaccination shots.