Stebbi - Suðurland
Nafn: Stebbi
Kyn: Fress
Litur: Grábröndóttur
Aldur: Um 9 ára
Persónuleiki: Rólegur
Hentar ekki með börnum
Stebbi er talinn vera 9 ára, mjög stór og fallegur grábröndóttur köttur. Stebbi er rólegur nautnabelgur. Hann vill mikla nærveru og hentar því vel á heimili þar sem viðkomandi er mikið heima. Hann hentar ekki með ungum börnum en er blíður og góður. Hann laðast sérstaklega að karlmönnum og virðist tengjast þeim betur.
Stebbi er geldur, örmerktur, bólusettur og hefur fengið ormalyf.
Name: Stebbi
Sex: Male
Color: Grey tabby
Age: About 9 years old
Personality: Calm
Does not suit a home with children
Stebbi is thought to be around 9 years old and he is a very large, beautiful grey tabby cat. He is very calm and indulgent. He likes to be around his people so he would thrive in a home where someone is home a lot.
He does not suit a home with young children, but he is very sweet and kind. Stebbi especially seems to bond with men and prefers their company.
Stebbi is neutered, microchipped, vaccinated and has been dewormed.