
Nafn: Ash
Kyn: Fress
Litur: Bröndóttur
Aldur: um 1-2 ára
Persónuleiki: Villtur en forvitinn
Mikill spjallari og matargat
Mjög hrifinn af öðrum kisum
Ash er mjög ungur villingur með mikla möguleika á að mannast og vera skemmtileg viðbót við fjölskylduna. Hann var fljótur að sýna mjög sterkan persónuleika, en hann þykist vera rosa harður og reynir að hræða sjálfboðaliðana, en er samt mikið til í að spjalla – og sérstaklega ef það er blautmatur eða nammi í spilinu.
Hann er rosalega hrifinn af öðrum köttum og því væri ákjósanlegast ef hann kemst á fósturheimili með öðrum kisum. Við mælum ekki með að hann fari á heimili með mjög ungum börnum.
Name: Ash
Sex: Male
Color: Tabby
Age: around 1-2 years old
Personality: Wild but curious
Chatty and loves food and treats
Loves other cats
Ash is a young tomcat, probably born outside so he is not too fond of humans, but we see a lot of potential in him and we believe he will turn quickly into a domesticated cat in the right home. Soon after he came into our care he showed his strong character, but he always tries to convince us that he is a very scary cat – but when he sees we have wet food or treats we are at least tolerable to hang around.
He seems to love other cats and loves to chat with his roommates. It would be ideal if his foster home already has another cat who can play with him and show him the sweet life of the domesticated cat. We don’t think he would suit in a home with small children.